Fox and Birds, Mask for IF

Fox and Birds, Mask for IF

Hard to keep Fox and Birds out of the fun, for one day, let's put on a mask, to pretend we are somebody else.


Siempre que hay algo con lo que me divierto, salen Fox y los pequeños, - yo, yo, también nosotros queremos -, pues bien, aquí los tienen, por un día, usando una mascara para ser alguien diferente.

2 comentarios:

  1. This is great, Ale!:) Do you know, that we've been running a two-week project with children, including making masks and performing with them...?:D

    1. Hello Rossichka, oh, it's good to know about your Project with children, guess must be a real nice Project to do with them, children often give us a lot of creativity, think you might see great work from the children
      have a nice day Rossichka, and say hi to the children from Fox and the Little birds.
