Revenge for IF

Look !!!, this time fox is just about to do something no nice to the little birds,
hmmmm, I just can think what will the little birds do to Fox, if she really cut off the kite s string,
Revenge, sweet, revenge !
can not blame the birds, this time.
Wish you all a very nice day !
Miren !!, mmmm, esta vez Fox no se esta portando bien con los pajaritos,
se imaginan, que van a hacer los pequenos, si realmente Fox le corta la cuerda al papalote,
Venganza, dulce venganza !
y esta vez, no puedo culpar a los pajaritos.
Les deseo a todos un buen dia !

2 comentarios:

  1. Oh, how sad! What a disappointment for the birdies...
    Dear Ale, I received my giveaway gift!:-0) Thank you - I sent you an e-mail!

    1. Dear Rossichka, yes, think this could be a big disappointment for the birdies, you kno, I used to think Fox was a lady all the time....
      Oh, good, I am glad you got your giveaway!!
